Access To a World of No Limits


Access To a World of No Limits

From ancient history to the modern world, soldiers have relied on armour and other offensive and defensive weapons and equipment to support their mission. In Ephesians 6, Paul shifts gears and equates the shield of a Roman soldier to faith as a Christian. A seasoned soldier could forego the shield in favour of a second full-sized weapon.

16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.

Ephesians 6:16 NKJV 

Faith is not positive talking; it is a revelation of truth!

  • Faith provokes the Hand of God upon your life that offers favour: God’s favour causes God’s people to triumph without sweat – Isaiah 53:1, Nehemiah 2:8.
  • Faith grants divine speed: The hand of God unleashes supernatural speed – 1 Kings 18:46.
  • Faith provokes divine intervention at will: When your faith is on fire, you have committed God to intervene – Matthew 9:29, 2 Chronicles 20:20.
  • Faith draws on the raw power of God to change your story: The raw power of God answers to faith and destroys the seeds of impossibilities – Luke 8:43-44.
  • Faith commits God to confirm His Word: When faith comes alive, God’s integrity is committed to securing His Word – 2 Timothy 2:13, Matthew 24:35.

We must be mobilised through the reality of the Word that has become alive in us. God’s resolve is that we engage the realm of no limits, and faith is the only gateway to it.  Only the spirit of faith can guarantee it.  When we utilise the slipstream of faith, it gives us access to the realm of no-limits and the key to a world of rest – Hebrews 4:3.

By dissertation of revelation that which was previously invisible and impalpable, we were clothed in letters and characters that now become material, perceptible and tangible. In other words, the Word of God, which was naturally invisible, becomes visible in a tangible form of understanding and manifestation, firstly in our hearts then by action and lastly in our circumstances which were until then in the natural incorporeal – 1 John 1:1.

Revelation Is Given to Effect a Change of Position

The moment this transition takes place effectively, it becomes the conduit used by the Holy Spirit to initiate a change of position.  And so, where you were in a position of defeat, you are now shifted to a place of conquest. The moment you find yourself in this living stream, it will defeat all anxiety and pressure.  It will bring undeniable and touchable rest as your companion, and your situation will be ripe to witness the full glory of the Word of God – Hebrews 11:33-34.

Faith speaks the Jesus kind of language and produces the Jesus kind of results!

Faith is under command in any situation.  You can swing it in any direction, and it will answer you. But before the Holy Spirit can initiate this dimension of faith in us, we may need to reposition the heart first – Acts 8:2.

Understanding faith is what empowers us to become limit breakers. Faith doesn’t stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God – 1 Corinthians 2:4. Faith is a way of life, a way of being, it is our position in Christ.

Faith Does Not Look at Facts; It Looks at Truth



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