There is a clear link between financial well-being and personal well-being. Financial strain is a sure-fire way to poor mental, emotional, and physical health. A financial dilemma has the power to clickbait you into unhealthy coping behaviours. However, when we operate in financial wellness, we naturally feel more in charge of our lives, and stress is decreased as your resources back your aspirations to build a secure future.

If you’re in dire need of a breakthrough, Heaven’s Financial Advisor is on standby; in fact, it is He who grants us the potential to produce wealth.

Allow me to introduce you to some of the laws that govern The Financial Anointing.



For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11 (NKJV)

It is impossible to have a pessimistic view when focusing on what God says about your life. You will rise to the top if you strengthen your positive mindset – Proverbs 23:7. In this regard, Joseph is an excellent example. He never lost his cheerful attitude. Not as a slave or a prisoner. Joseph rose to become a successful businessman and Egypt’s second-in-command by employing this method.

God will use the storms of life to lift you higher if you keep your delight in the Lord and remain steady and immovable in God’s promises.



“Wisdom is the principal thing; Therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.”

Proverbs 4:7 (NKJV)

Let me ask you this question?

  1. What books have you read or do you have on the subject of,
  • Finances
  • Financial Increase
  • Investing
  • Revelation on Money
  1. What events have you attended hosted by people who have?
  • Mastered Money
  • Dispelling their wisdom into you, such as Encounter Kings (LINK)
  1. Who are you listening to that has mastered money, real estate and investing?

When God gave Solomon a blank cheque, he didn’t ask for money or victory over the lives of his enemies instead; he asked for knowledge. Solomon asked for this because he had a Kingdom mindset. If you place a high value on learning financial knowledge, you will attain it and soar in this area of your life with ease.

You can learn any life lesson ahead of time from one of two sources:

  • The Bible.
  • Paying attention to people who have already been through it.

The Word does not say those who “explained”, but those who “inherit”. This refers to people who have already received God’s promises. You must shadow people who have already received the manifestation of that wisdom if you wish to flow in that anointing. The financial anointing follows the same approach – Hebrews 6:12.


“God places a high premium on WISDOM”




Teach those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which is so unreliable. Their trust should be in God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and generous to those in need, always being ready to share with others.”

1 Timothy 6:17-18 (NLT)

Many anti-prosperity people will try to utilize this text to support their position. However, they overlook that it does not finish at verse 10. Allow them to finish reading.  The word “contentment” refers to a calm state of happiness.  When God and the expansion of His kingdom become your only focus, and everything else loses relevance, that’s when God will give you everything else.

When God speaks to you about giving, He frequently tests you to ensure that money and possessions have no place in your heart.


“Money in the hands is a tool, money in the heart is poison”


When you love possessions, it opens the door to temptation; it can lead to you stealing, being dishonest in business activities, and compromising yourself to achieve ‘that thing.’ It robs you of your morals. However, if you are content with what God has given you, you will be able to give properly, which will save you from succumbing to temptation. You will be able to contribute out of revelation rather than calculation if you follow the law of contentment.


“Contentment will breed integrity”




Now the Passover, a feast of the Jews, was near. Then Jesus lifted up His eyes, and seeing a great multitude coming toward Him, He said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread, that these may eat?” But this He said to test him, for He Himself knew what He would do.”

John 6:4-6 (NKJV)

Jesus did not expect the people to bring their own food, nor did Jesus expect them to feed Him. He taught by demonstration that true blessing does not celebrate what it receives but celebrates what it gives.

God has given you all you need to succeed in life. Sadly, the vast majority of people want someone to pay for them. They mistakenly believe that being blessed entails someone purchasing or paying for them. But the law of giving is believing wholeheartedly that God has sent you to erase and eradicate needs. As you acquire this physical and spiritual mindset, the financial anointing will be drawn to you.


“Provision comes from me”


God delights in bestowing blessings on His children, but He will never bestow earthly money or belongings on them that will be destroyed by it or if it will replace Him. Paul said that people who have allowed themselves to love things have pierced themselves with many sorrows and destroyed themselves.

You can’t master something that has authority over you; if your wealth and belongings have influence over you, you won’t be able to operate in the financial anointing. You can’t have dominion over something that controls you; therefore, the anointing is all about dominion.

When we have the anointing to increase, we increase. The financial anointing deals with overflow. For your cup to overflow, you must help individuals outside of it. Your cup will overflow when God anoints your head with oil; you do not have to struggle to make it overflow.

Overflow comes when we apply the correct biblical principles. Overflow in your finances is accessed through your Tithes, Offerings and Seeds.

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